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RIHN Information Resources Seminar “Lidar and archaeology”

日時:2019年2月26日(火) 13時30分~15時
会場: 総合地球環境学研究所 セミナー室1・2(アクセス
話し手: Stephen Leisz(コロラド州立大学人類学科地理学 准教授)
タイトル: Lidar and archaeology: examples of the application of lidar to the archaeological investigations of the city of Angamuco in the Patzcuaro Basin of Mexico
Since the early 2000s lidar has been used in various field settings in support of archaeology. In 2010, after two fieldwork seasons were devoted to mapping the remains of structures of a previously unknown settlement on a malpais, or volcanic outflow, in the Lake Patzcuaro Basin of Mexico, 9 km2 of lidar data were obtained for the site.  During the next two field seasons lidar derived products were integrated into the fieldwork and mapping efforts at this site, which has been named Angamuco. This presentation describes the process that led to the use of lidar within the project in the Lake Patzcuaro Basin, Michoacán, Mexico. It details the creation of the lidar-derived products used in the mapping effort, the results of the lidar supported ground survey and mapping and a comparison to previous full-coverage surveys, which used sub-meter GPS surveying methodologies to map structures within the newly identified pre-contact urban area. After this introduction, the presentation details how the lidar products are being analyzed and used to automate the extraction of information by using object based image analysis (OBIA) and spatial analytical tools. Examples of information products that have been created using the lidar data and OBIA include maps of pre-historical building locations (over 10,000 structures have been identified), pre-historical water holding features on the malpais, paths and roads, and terraces. These analytical products are enabling us to move beyond the mapping of these features to carry out spatial analysis investigating the development of prehistorical urban forms and estimating prehistorical population distributions.