- Where knowledge and wisdom are present: transdisciplinary research to enter in-between spaces / Akihiro Miyata
- Knowledge networking to enhance local future design capabilities / Terukazu Kumazawa
- More inclusive public engagement activities / Kei Kano
- Guideline to span boundaries in research data disclosure / Ui Ikeuchi
- Openness, politics, and ethics of digital maps / Toshikazu Seto, Yuichiro Nishimura
- Investigating the effects of graphic recording in meetings / Junko Shimizu・Kenichiro Nakajima
- Serious board game jam as a transdisciplinary exercise / Kazuhiko Ota
Case studies
- Aquatic weeds in Lake Biwa: the ideal and the real of the Open Team Science Method / Yasuhisa Kondo
- Filling research-implementation gaps in biodiversity with the Open Team Science Method / Takeshi Osawa
- Beginning a transdisciplinary research project of a watershed and its communities / Noboru Okuda
- Summer school to learn about transdisciplinary methods and strategic questioning / Kenichi Sato
- Exploring another circuit of thinking between experts and non-experts / Satoe Nakahara
- What is environmental traceability? / Ichiro Tayasu
- Ideal partnership between social and natural scientists / Takeshi Nakatsuka
- Renaissance of vernacular residence and visualization of knowledge in Oman / Kengo Hayashi
- Are you sure to do transdisciplinary research? / Hideyuki Ōnishi